IPIFF – New CircularEconomy Action Plan

The European Commission published yesterday a ‘New ♻️ Action Plan’ – an important element of the European. Supporting the transition from linear to circular business models, this strategy will play a key role in cutting down EU’s, while the soon-to-be-launched ?️ will include an EU target on reduction. In line with the waste hierarchy, farming has…

BFS 2020: Hrana od kukaca

Startup Cricky koji se bavi uzgojem kukaca i proizvodnjom proteina od istih smatra da je budućnost hrane uravo u ovakvom obliku prehrane – ljudi u brojnim zemljama već sada konzumiraju kukce, a njihovim pretvaranjem u proteinski prah oni mogu postati dostupni (i gastronomski prihvatljiviji) daleko većem broju kupaca.