BFS 2020: Hrana od kukaca

Startup Cricky koji se bavi uzgojem kukaca i proizvodnjom proteina od istih smatra da je budućnost hrane uravo u ovakvom obliku prehrane – ljudi u brojnim zemljama već sada konzumiraju kukce, a njihovim pretvaranjem u proteinski prah oni mogu postati dostupni (i gastronomski prihvatljiviji) daleko većem broju kupaca.

Bug Bites – jesu li insekti novi sushi?

The article puts a strong emphasis on the ‘yuck factor.’ As an industry, we are trying to redirect the narrative towards a ‘wow factor.’ As with sushi, lobster, and even tomatoes in the past, one of the biggest challenges faced by the entomophagy industry is overcoming what some call the “ick factor” or “yuck factor.”…